可是他們都是拼音系統,所以我們有時候打的東西最後會變成 "what was that mean?"
I want to tell you......don't learn Chinese, because it's really difficult. I think Chinese is the most hardest language in the world.
I've learnt some languages...
English, 26 alphabets
Korean, 40 alphabets
Japanese, 50 characters
Thai, 65 alphabets, with 5 tones
Traditional Chinese words are very beautiful, but f**king hard. We even don't know how many words we have. According to our dictionary, there are more 106,230 words, excluded old characters. (now our ministry of education still working hard to put new words into our dictionary)
But don't worry, you no need to learn 106,230 words.... bcz normally we just use about 20,000 words.
If you still can't help yourself then open this page even I told you not to........
Then, I will teach you ㄅㄆㄇ. k k k k k .....
Yeah~~~ I've met a lot of friends during my travel.
Most foreigners start their Chinese learning from PIN-YIN system. But I think it's hard to tell you some words' pronunciation. Especially Chinese is tonal language, it is very important to add the tones with words you type.
For foreigners, I strongly recommend you start from ㄅㄆㄇ
If you know how to say, then you can type!!!
We call this system as 注音
ㄅㄆㄇ... just symbols. The professors, who think up ㄅㄆㄇ system, broke down a letter into parts, then took one as the symbol, we call 注音符號
The typing system use with ㄅㄆㄇ marks, we call 注音輸入法 (install it immediately~~~)
In ㄅㄆㄇ system, we have 21 consonants and 16 vowels, with 5 tones
consonants: ㄅㄆㄇㄈㄉㄊㄋㄌㄍㄎㄏㄐㄑㄒㄓㄔㄕㄖㄗㄘㄙ
special vowels: ㄧㄨㄩ (they can both be consonant and vowel)
vowels: ㄚㄛㄜㄝㄞㄟㄠㄡㄢㄣㄤㄥㄦ
tones: (no mark for mid tone) ˊ ˇ ˋ ˙
watch this for ㄅㄆㄇ pronunciation
watch this for tones
I've written this ㄅㄆㄇ chart to my friends for many times...but I used to make same as keyboard position, to help my friends learn typing as well.
I also put some notes in these charts, but that just for REFERENCE.
My friends feel so desperate because they can't pronounce some sounds. no teeth in Chinese, no far in Korean, no call in Japanese.
But it's not a big problem, I can't speak ร either. T_____T
Basically, ㄓ/ㄗ, ㄔ/ㄘ and ㄕ/ㄙ just like twins.
they use same method, but position of tooth is different, and ㄓㄔㄕ need to roll your tongue a little bit.
Our vowels are simple, but ㄩ is a nightmare to foreigners.
hahahahaha, don't give up.
Let's try some simple sentences:
你ㄋㄧˇ 好ㄏㄠˇ
Hi! How are you!
> 你 ㄋ一ˇ= you, both male or female can use 你
妳 ㄋ一ˇ= you, for females
您 ㄋ一ㄣˊ= you, use 您 with elders, or people you respect
> 好 ㄏㄠˇ= fine, good
in some case, it can be "so~", like 好ㄏㄠˇ多ㄉㄨㄛso many, 好ㄏㄠˇ便ㄆ一ㄢˊ宜一ˊso cheap
When we meet our friends, we usually say "Hey~ 你吃飯了嗎?"
This is really important, we just can't let people who we care stay in hungry~
你ㄋㄧˇ吃 ㄔ 飯 ㄈㄢˋ了 ˙ㄌㄜ 嗎 ˙ㄇㄚ?
Have you eaten yet?
> 吃ㄔ= eat
飯ㄈㄢˋ= meal
in some situation, 飯 means "rice", like 吃ㄔ炒ㄔㄠˇ飯ㄈㄢˋ或ㄏㄨㄛˋ炒ㄔㄠˇ麵ㄇ一ㄢˋ? eat fired rice or fired noodle?
了ㄌㄜ˙= already
嗎ㄇㄚ˙= no meaning, for asking question
I will share more "USEFUL" sentences and FAQ from my friends next time.